Edition anglaise

June 2011 - n° 741
Internet in crises (sic) - Stanislas Maupeou (de)
Recent crises have highlighted the degree to which the internet has become central to almost everything today. It is now an infrastructure in itself and, like others before it, will be subject to regulation, protection and security. The author updates us on this rapidly changing area.
A task oriented army - Elrick Irastorza
Tomorrow’s army will remain one manned by eager and well-trained volunteers who are aware that they may have to fight in diverse and dangerous terrain to which they will have to conform rapidly. It is an army that also has to adapt constantly in order to remain flexible and reactive to the assigned tasks, rather than follow rigid functional efficiency. Above all it is an army that must stay in contact with the concerns and realities of the country it has to defend.
Space and the military in Europe - Guilhem Brouard, Antonin Tisseron
With European defence bogged down, space would seem to be a possible area for re launch of the entire process. The need for space assets is ever increasing, and the necessary capabilities simply cannot be developed on a purely national military basis in the current climate of severe budgetary restrictions. Despite the Commission’s recently announced enthusiasm for the subject, the reality is that decisions made at the institutional pose a serious risk of space projects becoming bogged down, too.
Over the Rhine - Yannick Harrel
The futures of France and Germany are inextricably intertwined despite their very different approaches and political procedures. To maintain balance in their relationship and to consolidate their view of a common future, they must ensure that their actions are complementary and are founded on mutual interest and understanding.