Edition anglaise

November 2010 - n° 734
An insight into conflict situations in west Africa - Massaër Diallo
Assessing the potential for conflict in west Africa involves an appreciation of the structural vulnerabilities of the region and the external influences which are weakening it.
France's return to NATO's integrated military structure - Samuel Quéré
Playing a full part in NATO’s integrated command structure, at a human and financial cost that is far from negligible, France intends to influence the modernisation of the Atlantic Alliance and promote its European approach.
Child soldiers - Michel Klen
The recruitment of children in modern conflicts is becoming widespread and poses the difficult military and legal question of how regular forces are to deal with them.
Maritime power today - Cédric Chetaille
This article looks at how the application of sea power has been, and indeed still is, affected by the many and varied changes in the strategic environment. It concludes that maritime power will continue to offer unequalled value to those nations capable of exercising it.