Edition anglaise

March 2010 - n° 728
Iran: resurgent imperial ambitions - Pierre Viaud
Iran’s strategy is under the microscope, and its nuclear posture both intrigues and alarms the international community. At the end of a rigorous examination under six main headings, this article explores Iranian strategy; it concludes that Iran has an undeniable ambition for regional hegemony (in the Persian tradition), but one which remains limited in its actions by structural weaknesses.
World War Web 3.0 - information technology in conflicts - Stanislas Maupeou (de)
Frequent news items demonstrate that the threat of attack against state information systems has become one of the vital elements to be taken into account in any national defence and security strategy. America’s 2010 Quadrennial Defense Review underlines the cardinal necessity of defending computer networks. Information technology operations are still today only a premonition: they need to inspire a strategic thinking process which will not limit their impact to just extending the capability for riposte, but the consideration of their place in a situation of strategic rupture.
25 December 2009: a banal act of terror - Didier Wioland
This analysis of the failed terrorist attack of 25 December 2009 sets out to explore the various elements leading up to the event, the primary responsibility of the citizen in prevention and protection, and clarifies the concept of population resilience when faced with insecurity.